New MiTek Product – M6x65 Roof Sheeting Screw

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the MiTek Roof sheeting screw (USSROOFSHTM6x65) to the African market. Developed by the MiTek Industries South Africa (Pty) Ltd Engineering team, this new roofing screw provides the following advantages:

  • MII marking for easy identification after installation
  • Replaces the 50mm and 65mm screws (for IBR and corrugated sheeting application), whilst being able to cater for deeper IBR profiles as are common outside of RSA (one screw length for multiple coverings).
  • Class 3 coating in accordance with SANS 1273.
  • The New drill bit and thread has been thoroughly tested and the holding values were found to be equal or better than the previous utilized screw.
  • Substantial cost saving.
  • Available with immediate effect.